June 26, 2012
Day 62
Miles: 20
Total Miles: 942
I made it Tuolumne Meadows in Yosemite National Park today after crossing over Donahue Pass, the last 11,000+ foot pass in the Sierras. The last 10-12 miles were relatively flat after I descended down the pass. I crossed a stock caravan twice on the descent before realizing that I packed up and hiked in the wrong direction after lunch! I think my mind was distracted by the possibility of reaching Tuolumne and the restaurant and general store. After realizing my mistake, I hiked double-time to make it to Tuolumne before they closed at 4 - catching up the same caravan of horses/mules that I had walked by on the pass (now heading back to Tuolumne). I knew their pride was bruised that a hiker could pass, much less keep up with, the riders on their "high horse"! They didn't know I was hiking for food and under-estimated a hungry hiker's stamina! As I was approaching from behind they looked back every so often to see if I was still there. Each time I grew closer and closer to the stock train and wondered what I was going to do to get around a dozen easily-spooked animals. The hose team finally stopped and let me pass, and with a couple of nods I was hiking off faster than before with nothing to keep me from a stocked store or burger at the restaurant.
Stock Train on the PCT near Tuolumne Meadows |
I made it 15 mins before the restaurant was supposed to close - but it was the wrong restaurant, an outdoor cloth napkin affair at the lodge that was only open for reservations! After some confusion and asking around I realized that the restaurant that closed at 4 was down the main road - a short bus ride away. I jumped on the free shuttle bus and arrived at the restaurant too late. The store, however, was thankfully open and I pulled as much pre-packaged food off the shelf as I thought I needed and walked outside to join other hikers lingering at the benches across from the parking lot. Soon I was on my way to the campground behind the store. After a reunion with Desert Fox and Masa at the campground I was running back to the store for beer and ice-cream.
It's been lonely on the trail the past few days and I hope I can hike out with some others after a rest day.
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